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Converting Concourse pipeline to ytt

by Neil Hickey — Jun 30, 2022

Concourse is an open source automation system written in Go. It is most commonly used for CI/CD, and is built to scale to any kind of automation pipeline, from simple to complex. Each pipeline in Concourse is a declarative YAML file which represents input, tasks and output. Concourse pipelines often grow more complex as time goes on, and you may quickly find yourself overwhelmed trying to manage these large, complex pipelines.

Ytt is Carvel’s tool of choice when it comes to managing YAML, and in this tutorial we will work through a few ways I like to think about making YAML more maintainable and readable using a simple Concourse pipeline.

You will need these to follow along:

Getting set up

  1. Install a local Concourse server (optional)

    wget && docker-compose up -d
    fly --target tutorial login --concourse-url http://localhost:8080 -u test -p test
  2. Grab a simple pipeline to start working on

    wget -O pipeline.yml
  3. Set the pipeline

    fly --target tutorial set-pipeline --pipeline testing-pipeline --config pipeline.yml

What does this pipeline do?

This pipeline tests our component ( in this case) against various versions of GoLang. This is common task of a CI/CD system, running our tests against multiple inputs and validating that we are compatible across our supported platforms.

This pipeline is broken into two main sections, resources and jobs. See concourse docs for more on these.

  • There are four resources:

    • One of these is our component under test -
    • The remaining three reference a docker image that contains the platform we want to test against, Golang versions 1.11 -> 1.13
  • There are three jobs:

Time to refactor

Notice that the following resources look very similar? This looks like a good place to start, let’s remove some of this duplication!

- name: golang-1.11.x-image
  type: registry-image
  icon: docker
    repository: golang
    tag: 1.11-stretch

- name: golang-1.12.x-image
  type: registry-image
  icon: docker
    repository: golang
    tag: 1.12-stretch

- name: golang-1.13.x-image
  type: registry-image
  icon: docker
    repository: golang
    tag: 1.13-stretch

Let’s pull this out into a function, so we can compose as many registry-image resources as we need.

#@ def registry_image(repository, name, tag="latest"):
name: #@ name
type: registry-image
icon: docker
  repository: #@ repository
  tag: #@ tag
#@ end

Now our pipeline looks like:

#@ def registry_image(repository, name, tag="latest"):
name: #@ name
type: registry-image
icon: docker
  repository: #@ repository
  tag: #@ tag
#@ end

- #@ registry_image("golang", "golang-1.11.x-image", "1.11-stretch")
- #@ registry_image("golang", "golang-1.12.x-image", "1.12-stretch")
- #@ registry_image("golang", "golang-1.13.x-image", "1.13-stretch")

Pretty neat huh? We were able to reduce 20 lines of YAML into just 3. And adding another image will be as simple as adding another call to registry_image().

Let’s run it

fly --target tutorial set-pipeline --pipeline testing-pipeline --config <(ytt -f pipeline.yml)

Looking good so far, now let’s have a look at the jobs section.

Convert these YAML anchors to using ytt instead:

- name: golang-1.11
  public: true
    - get: golang-mock-git
      trigger: true
    - get: golang-1.11.x-image
      trigger: true
    - task: run-tests
      image: golang-1.11.x-image
        << : *task-config

Converting YAML anchors to ytt

#@ def lint_and_test_golang_mock():
platform: linux
  - name: golang-mock-git
    path: go/src/
  GO111MODULE: "on"
  path: /bin/sh
    - -c
    - |

      cd go/src/

      go vet ./...
      go build ./...
      go install
      GO111MODULE=off go get -u
      go test -v ./...      
#@ end

- name: golang-1.11
  public: true
    - get: golang-mock-git
      trigger: true
    - get: golang-1.11.x-image
      trigger: true
    - task: run-tests
      image: golang-1.11.x-image
      config: #@ lint_and_test_golang_mock()
- name: golang-1.12
  public: true
    - get: golang-mock-git
      trigger: true
    - get: golang-1.12.x-image
      trigger: true
    - task: run-tests
      image: golang-1.12.x-image
      config: #@ lint_and_test_golang_mock()
- name: golang-1.13
  public: true
    - get: golang-mock-git
      trigger: true
    - get: golang-1.13.x-image
      trigger: true
    - task: run-tests
      image: golang-1.13.x-image
      config: #@ lint_and_test_golang_mock()

Now that we have most of the jobs and resources refactored, let’s draw our attention to all these version numbers: Versions 1.11 to 1.13.

The first step is to extract these out into a ytt data value file. This allows us to have a single place to configurable data.

Values file - values.yml

versions: ["1.11", "1.12", "1.13"]

Once we have our data values file, let’s go ahead and import the ‘data’ module so we can use them in our pipeline.yml.

Convert to using data.values

#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")

#@ for/end version in data.values.versions:
- #@ registry_image("golang", "golang-" + version + ".x-image", version + "-stretch")

- name: golang-mock-git
  type: git
  icon: github

#@ for/end version in data.values.versions:
- name: #@ "golang-" + version
  public: true
    - get: golang-mock-git
      trigger: true
    - get: #@ "golang-" + version + ".x-image"
      trigger: true
    - task: run-tests
      image: #@ "golang-" + version + ".x-image"
      config: #@ lint_and_test_golang_mock()

Final Pipeline

Nice job! We have made it to the end of this refactoring; let’s have a look at what we ended up with.

#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")

#@ def registry_image(repository, name, tag="latest"):
name: #@ name
type: registry-image
icon: docker
  repository: #@ repository
  tag: #@ tag
#@ end

#@ def lint_and_test_golang_mock():
platform: linux
  - name: golang-mock-git
    path: go/src/
  GO111MODULE: "on"
  path: /bin/sh
    - -c
    - |

      cd go/src/

      go vet ./...
      go build ./...
      go install
      GO111MODULE=off go get -u
      go test -v ./...      
#@ end

#@ for/end version in data.values.versions:
- #@ registry_image("golang", "golang-" + version + ".x-image", version + "-stretch")

- name: golang-mock-git
  type: git
  icon: github

#@ for/end version in data.values.versions:
- name: #@ "golang-" + version
  public: true
    - get: golang-mock-git
      trigger: true
    - get: #@ "golang-" + version + ".x-image"
      trigger: true
    - task: run-tests
      image: #@ "golang-" + version + ".x-image"
      config: #@ lint_and_test_golang_mock()

Final Values file - values.yml

versions: ["1.11", "1.12", "1.13"]

Let’s run it

fly --target tutorial set-pipeline --pipeline testing-pipeline --config <(ytt -f pipeline.yml -f values.yml)

The final pipeline can be found in the ytt playground here / github gist.

What’s next?

We have refactored a simple Concourse pipeline using the DRY principle.

Our file has gone from 89 lines of YAML to 61. Ok not that impressive, however we have made this pipeline simple to extend, removed duplication, and set ourselves up with a solid template to build on.

This tutorial just scratches the surface of the power of ytt, be sure to check out some of our other blogs and the ytt playground to really dig into some of the more advanced concepts:

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